Saturday, August 9, 2008

We Give Up Our Power When We AGREE With Their Criticisms - Pamela Gregory

No one can DIMINISH you other than you.

Criticism is everywhere. We do it to ourselves, sometimes on a daily, if not hourly basis. We do it to others, and of course, others do it to us. Why do we beat ourselves up? Because it's something we've always done? Why do others tear us down? So they can be right, by making us wrong? So they can feel superior? Ever really think about it?

The focus of today's message is to become aware of how we give up our power to others. No one can take your power away unless YOU let them. You DECIDE what degree you will allow your father's, mother's, sister's, brother's, spouse's, lover's, significant others, in-laws, out-laws, friend's, neighbors, bosses, co-workers (did I leave anyone out?) criticisms affect you!

The ONLY way their words can HURT YOU is if you AGREE with WHAT they are saying. If you do not agree with their criticisms and insults, they have NO POWER OVER YOU! You GIVE THEM the power to HURT YOU only if you agree. Consider the source they are coming from. People who constantly look for something wrong with others is only a reflection of their own lack of self-worth and self-hatred. When others aren't happy with themselves, they want to make others feel "less than" so they will feel superior.

Bear in mind that almost all of our negative and positive programming was ingrained in us by the time we were three years old. Understanding that inside all of us is still a hurt, little child. DECIDE to stop rerunning those old tapes that keeps us stuck in fear, doubt, self-loathing, and what I call "not good enough-itis!" "Not good enough-it is" is a rampant condition in our world that has no reason for existence. We are simply choosing a THOUGHT that confirms a belief about us, but it is only a BELIEF and CAN be changed. Realizing this will help you rise above it. You ARE more than "good enough" to have everything, and be everything, in your life you desire. You are a unique and perfect being of love. SEE yourself in this way because it is true! Give yourself permission to have the life you deserve and are WORTHY of.

So please, forgive others for criticizing you (remember we are all victims of victims) and then forgive yourself for taking over where they left off. Forgiveness is a tremendously healing act. Just ask those who have done it.

If I may make a suggestion, try implementing a "no criticize zone" in your home, and workplace if possible. Here's the only rule: You aren't allowed to criticize yourself, or anyone else for anything, and the same rule applies to others you live and work with. I've mentioned this before and it makes a tremendous difference. Try it and see. I guarantee you will feel an increase in peace, harmony, and love around you.

A Side Note For Parents:
As parents, when we try to mold our children into responsible and caring adults, we see it as "constructive criticism." Our intention is to help them become the best they can be, and isn't it easy to find ways they can improve or become better? If they would just try harder, get better grades, be neater, more caring, more loving, more this, more that…THEN they would be "perfect!" And doesn't that reflect nicely on us, their proud parents? That is, until we find another something else to "correct" that we are all too ready to point out in our quest to "help them" become their best. Do our children ever reach the potential we BELIEVE they have in them? Who are we to decide? As parents, we feel it is our job, our obligation, to point out ways our children can improve. But in reality, our one obligation to our children is to love them unconditionally for who they are. Our intention may be pure, honorable and justified, but as we point out all our "self-improvement" tips to our children, guess what they hear? They hear, "You're not good enough." "We'd love you more if you were this way." "Your life is such a mess!" Criticism is what they hear! As adults today, we should know, for those tapes from our youth are STILL running through our minds. Again, all they (or anyone) wants or needs is unconditional love. Be encouraging, loving and supportive of your children and watch them shine.

I hope you'll think about the impact criticism has had on your life. Harsh words have no power over you unless you ALLOW them to. Take back your power and self respect by loving and accepting yourself today onward.

I'll repeat it one more time. No one can DIMINISH you other than you. No one determines your worth but YOU...

Sending all of you my LOVE ALWAYS~

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