Saturday, August 30, 2008


Between extreme particles is a center point of light. Between extreme emotions is the center point of love. The center point is what every human being already is, yet elusively still seeks. True love is our ultimate objective, whether we're aware of it or not. We may think we are looking for something else, something material and fleeting, but even the pursuit of transient goals just leads us back to the truth of love. The purpose of all relationships is to dissolve the barriers that keep us from recognizing the love that already is and expressing the love we ultimately are.

Every human being you'll ever have a relationship with will at times be nice and mean, supportive and challenging, pleasureful and painful, attractive and repulsive. The purpose of a relationship isn't happiness; it's a combination of happiness and sadness, which makes up fulfillment.

If we seek happiness, we're only looking for half-fulfillment and if we seek sadness, we're looking for the other half-fulfillment. When we look for fulfillment, we appreciate both sides.

Don't you have times in your relationship when you're happy and times when you are sad? If you think something is wrong with your relationship because you have sadness half the time, you're missing out on the bigger picture, because that's the way it is designed. The sadness just means your buttons are being pushed and you are seeing the parts of yourself that you haven't loved yet.

Buttons are nothing but lopsided perceptions and people come into your life as teachers to point them out to you. The ones who push your buttons the most are your greatest teachers. If you can bring your lopsided perceptions back into balance, you'll appreciate them as your teacher; if you can't, you'll blame them for being a button pusher.

As you grow in wisdom, you'll learn to embrace and love others for who they are, looking for the benefits they offer you and knowing that they represent parts of you that you have buried or disowned. Wisdom means thanking others for bringing to your awareness those areas where you have lied and not loved, and for being grateful that they have given you the opportunity to love.

Your relationship with others are simply mirrors of your relationship with yourself. Anything you have loved in yourself you can embrace in the world. Inside every person is an overwhelming desire to fully express their divinity, the absolute spirit of love that they have and are. Sometimes we go through life and bang our heads against the wall because we can't figure out how to express our divinity. We rationalize and lie to ourselves that it's not meant to be, that we don't know what is, that we don't really want it or we're satisfied the way we are. The only thing that truly satisfies the soul is love and appreciation, and when we feel and express these feelings, we feel fulfilled.

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