People who take conscious responsibility of their own lives without blaming others for their problems.
People who deliberately decide to learn and grow.
People who don't have to be right, they have to be themselves.
People who see problems as lessons, perhaps in a long series of lives and lessons.
People who believe that they are what they think they are, and can change themselves by changing their thinking.
People who feel they can change the world by changing themselves, not by trying to change others.
People who search for strength from the universe through introspection. People whorecognize unconditional love.
People who love and know themselves in order to better know and love others.
People who see others as not better than nor less than, but rather different than, themselves, yet part of the same whole.
People who choose their own path rather than follow dogma.
People who honor your right to your own path, not theirs.
People who realize that now is all we have, since yesterday is just a thought and tomorrow is a dream.
People who are interested in owning themselves rather than things.
People who see joy in life rather than pain, having experienced enough pain already.
People who are curious about extra sensory perception and all that it implies.
People who are from all walks of life, from business persons to flower essence healers, psychologists to UFO investigators.
The New Age people are not gloomers and doomers, though many are concerned about ecology, the economy and other forces that affect our world.
New Age is not a movement based on guilt, anger, fear or hurt. It is a journey towards love that is God.
New Age is not allegiance to one master: it is learning from many masters in the quest for the oneness with God.
New Age is not just humans doing, it is humans being
Inspired by the Newage Vision, The NewAge Foundation, organizes Motivational, Spiritual and Leadership Training Seminars and Workshops to facilitate speakers and trainers to reach out to the society. The Foundation also organizes Meditation Camps and Spiritual Retreats, Courses on Tarot, Feng-Shui, I-Ching, Vastu, Aromacology, Energy Healing, Ayurveda and other Alternative healing Methods around India and also promotes Secularism and Global Oneness.
OSHO: Why Do I get So Sensitive?
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