Friday, February 27, 2009

Look At The Other Side

From: jaishri iyer <>

Look at the Other Side.......

A Father was reading a magazine and his little daughter every now and then distracted him. To keep her busy, he tore one page on which was printed the map of the world. He tore it into pieces and asked her to go to her room and put them together to make the map again.

He was sure she would take the whole day to get it done. But the little one came back within minutes with perfect map... When he asked how she could do it so quickly, she said, "Oh... Dad, there is a man's face on the other side of the paper... I made the face perfect to get the map right." she ran outside to play leaving the father surprised.

Moral of the Story:

There is always the other side to whatever you experience in this world. This story indirectly teaches a lesson. i.e. whenever we come across a challenge or a puzzling situation, look at the other side...

You will be surprised to see an easy way to tackle the problem.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blood Clots / Stroke - A Very Important message

Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue

I will continue to forward this every time it comes around!

Remember the 1st Three Letters....S..T.R.


It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bysta nder can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S *
Ask the individual to SMILE.

T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(I.e. It is sunny out today)

R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency numberimmediatelyand describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke -------- Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other
,that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

I have done my part. Have you?

Mindful Eating - Thich Nhat Hanh

When you come to the dining hall, after you get your food and sit at a table, and when
your table has enough people, you can begin the practice

We sit beautifully. We are aware of the people that are a part of our sangha sitting around
us. We are aware of the food on our plates. This is a deep practice. Each morsel of food is
an ambassador from the cosmos. When we pick up a piece of a vegetable, we look at it for
half a second. We look mindfully or recognise the piece of food, the piece of carrot or a
string bean.

We identify it with our mindfulness: "I know this is a piece of carrot. This is a piece of
string bean". It only takes a fraction of a second. When we are mindful, we recognise what
we are picking up. When we put it into our mouth, we know what we are putting into our
mouth. When we chew it, we know what we are chewing. It's simple.

Some of us, while looking at a piece of carrot, can see the whole cosmos in it, can see the
sunshine in it, can see the earth in it. It has come from the whole cosmos for our
nourishment. You may like to smile to it before you put it in your mouth. When you chew
it, you are aware that you are chewing a piece of carrot. Don't put anything else into your
mouth, like your projects, your worries, your fear, just put the carrot in. And when you
chew, chew only the carrot, not your projects or your ideas. You are capable of living in
the present moment, in the here and the now. It is simple, but you need some training to
just enjoy the piece of carrot. This is a miracle.

I often teach `orange meditation' to my students. We spend time sitting together, each
enjoying an orange. Placing the orange on the palm of our hand, we look at it while
breathing in and out, so that the orange becomes a reality. If we are not here, totally
present, the orange isn't here either. There are some people who eat an orange but don't
really eat it. They eat their sorrow, fear, anger, past and future. They're not really present,
with body and mind united.

Visualise the orange as a blossom, the sunshine and rain passing through it, then the tiny
green fruit growing, turning yellow, becoming orange, the acid becoming sugar. The
orange tree took time to create this masterpiece. When you are truly here, contemplating
the orange, breathing and smiling, the orange becomes a miracle. It is enough to bring
you a lot of happiness. You peel the orange, smell it, take a section, and put it in your
mouth mindfully, fully aware of the juice on your tongue. This is eating an orange in
mindfulness. It makes the miracle of life possible. It makes joy possible.

The other miracle is the sangha , the community in which everyone is practising in the
same way. The woman sitting next to me is also practising mindfulness while eating her
breakfast. How wonderful! She is touching the food with mindfulness. She is enjoying
every morsel of her breakfast, like me. We are brother and sister on the path of practice.
From time to time we look at each other and smile. It is the smile of awareness. It proves
that we are happy, that we are alive. It is a smile of enlightenment, of happiness. That
smile has the power to heal.

If we talk about the weather or the political situation in the Middle East, we can never say
enough. We need the silence to enjoy our own presence and the presence of our dharma
brothers and sisters. This kind of silence is very alive, powerful, nourishing and
transforming. It is not oppressive or sad. Together we can create this kind of noble
silence. Sometimes it is described as `thundering silence' because it is so powerful.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Monday, February 23, 2009

Call Of Sufis - A Residential Retreat This Weekend

The NewAge Foundation (India)
Your group has a Meetup Friday, February 27, 2009 6:00 PM!


Friday, February 27, 2009 6:00 PM


9 Yes / 1 Maybe
There's still room for 12 more.


Zorba The Buddha
Tropical Drive, Opp Ghitorni Metro Stn, Mehrauli Gurgaon Road
New Delhi
91-11-26800360/ 65657265

RSVP Deadline

Your organizer has set an RSVP deadline for this event. You have until February 26, 2009 7:00 PM to RSVP.

Update your RSVP

Meetup Description

Call Of Sufis

• SUFI MEDITATIONS - to open the heart...
• SACRED DANCES & MOVEMENTS -To create the Dervish fire...
• ZHIKR - remembrance- getting in touch with the beloved within.
• SAMA -Whirling - a human reflection of the cosmos, a movement where we dissolve ourselves into the existence and love...
• SUFI POETRY - exploring the beauty of Rumi 's writing...


"An ecstatic introduction to the world of Sufism, which is neither a religion nor an ideology…it is a vast sky of consciousness… a merging with all of existence…
One becomes a Sufi by dropping from the head to the heart…being filled with love. Akash will use different techniques like rhythm, breath, voice, sound and dance; to enter a state of centeredness, silence & emptiness. "

About the facilitator :-

AKASH DHARMARAJ is a Sufi master, instructor in Gurdjieff Sacred dances, and a practicing psychotherapist. Trained in sufi dance - meditation practices and Fourth Way Techniques; she uses crystals, essential oils, colours, traditional chakra healing systems, reiki, music, movement and dance in her work. Akash has understood the depth of body-mind connections in her last 30 yrs of work, and creates healing systems around individuals and groups.

An eco-lifestyle village, ZĂ–RBA THE BUDDHA celebrates life in all its colours. It offers unique residential retreats and workshops for spiritual growth, self-exploration and creative celebration. It presents a variety of wellness modules in close communion with nature; including yoga, meditation, alternative healing therapies and visual & performing art processes. We also offer the space for workshops/ conferences, and our Eco-Luxe suites for short and long stay.

Enquiry / Register,
Ashwin - 9810812325
Mohit - 09910185042
Akshay - 9818674130
Tel - 26804790, 26800360

CONTRIBUTION per person :-
Rs 8,500 twin-sharing in a standard room, triple sharing in a duplex.
Rs.13,000/ for single occupancy
Non- Residential ( three days) Rs 7000/-
Inclusive of meals, workshop charges and materials
You can also choose to attend just one day or two days
Rs. 2500/- per day.

Student grants available (at reduced contribution)
Inclusive of meals, workshop charges and materials

Bring a friend - save Rs.1000

Register Now!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Join us free !!!

Join us FREE for information on Spiritual Events,

Self Growth Programs in Delhi
A uplifting quote every morning.

Sms NEWAGE to 5667780
(Only for Indian Subscribers)


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Call of Sufis - A Residential Retreat in Delhi

A Residential Retreat on Sufism at New Delhi starting 27th February

• SUFI MEDITATIONS - to open the heart...
• SACRED DANCES & MOVEMENTS -To create the Dervish fire...
• ZHIKR - remembrance- getting in touch with the beloved within.
• SAMA -Whirling - a human reflection of the cosmos, a movement where we dissolve ourselves into the existence and love...
• SUFI POETRY - exploring the beauty of Rumi 's writing...


"An ecstatic introduction to the world of Sufism, which is neither a religion nor an ideology…it is a vast sky of consciousness… a merging with all of existence…
One becomes a Sufi by dropping from the head to the heart…being filled with love. Akash will use different techniques like rhythm, breath, voice, sound and dance; to enter a state of centeredness, silence & emptiness. "

About the facilitator :-

AKASH DHARMARAJ is a Sufi master, instructor in Gurdjieff Sacred dances, and a practicing psychotherapist. Trained in sufi dance - meditation practices and Fourth Way Techniques; she uses crystals, essential oils, colours, traditional chakra healing systems, reiki, music, movement and dance in her work. Akash has understood the depth of body-mind connections in her last 30 yrs of work, and creates healing systems around individuals and groups.

Call Of Sufis - A Residential Retre…

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

QUANTUM HEALING - 2 Day Workshop at Delhi

Announcing a new event for The NewAge Foundation !

QUANTUM HEALING - 2 Day Workshop

February 22nd & 23rd, 2009 10:00 AM to 5 PM


Learn to amplify the flow of life force energy to magnify your healing abilities

Join the league of gifted healers

Learn the secrets of aligning bones and balancing body structure at an amazing speed.

Anyone can learn this, from children to the elderly. No previous experience of any kind is necessary, although Quantum-Healing will naturally enhance the effectiveness of any other hands-on therapy. Reiki practitioners have described it as 'turbo-charging' what they do.

This may be the easiest and most valuable skill you ever learn. Everyone learns to run energy so well in a two day class, you will be able to reduce peoples pain and inflammation due to injury and actually see the skeletal structure spontaneously align itself.

From DNA to bones, all cells and systems effortlessly respond to the resonance created. All natural healing is accelerated. For both professionals and lay-people, Quantum-Touch is an invaluable tool.


You will learn a series of breathing and body awareness exercises to help you focus and amplify life-force energy. This is the core technique that is used in Quantum Healing. It is so easy and natural to learn, little children and great grandparents pick it up easily. you will too.

You will learn how to bring down pain and inflammation in record time. On its own this is an invaluable skill. It seems that there are always people in pain and it is a blessing to have something you can do to really help.

You will learn that you can observe bones automatically adjusting themselves with a light touch. (Actually, the body moves them into correct alignment, you don't have to know what's happening any more than you need to understand how you digest your breakfast.)

You will learn how to help reduce or eliminate back pain and get faster and better results than you have ever thought possible. There are dozens of chiropractors now using Quantum Healing because it is so effective.

You will learn how to use an extraordinary distant healing method to get truly outstanding results. When those you love are not near and you want to help, don't feel helpless because there is something significant you can do. Distant healing with Quantum Healing is tremendously effective.

You will learn how to amplify the power of your sessions by work with Chakras, Toning and Vortexing the life-force energy. This truly ups the power of your sessions tremendously.

You will learn to use the Amplified Resonance Technique to turbo charge your own sessions so they have a power similar to a group sessions. This is the most powerful technique presented in the basic workshop. This allows individuals to run energy as if they were a whole group of people.

You will see that you can use this modality to work with pets and other animals. It's a great joy to use this work with animals as they usually respond amazingly quickly.

About the Facilitator

Dr Sandeep Bhasin is a General and cosmetic Surgeon post Graduate form A.M.U. He has worked in Surgery in various hospitals as Apollo, Batra, PSRI Hospital etc.

Dr Sandeep is trained in Pallative Cancer Care from TATA Memorial Hospital. He is one of the pioneers to use and be trained in Ozone therapy. He is also trained in advanced body works as Cranio Sacral Balancing, Visceral Manipulation etc. Presently he is also imparting trainings in these body works.

Workshop date 22nd to 23rd Feb. 2009
Timing : 10 AM to 5 PM (Both Days)
Workshop Fee : Rs. 3,500/- Per Participant
VENUE- Carewell Clinic
Contact Dr. Sandeep Bhasin MBBS, MS 09818704499, 011- 41329548

Register here:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Beautiful Story Shared By A Member

Shared by  jaishri iyer <>

She married him today.

At the end of the wedding party, her mother gave her a newly opened bank savings passbook, with $1000 deposited in it.

She told her, "My dear daughter, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your married life. Whenever something happy and memorable happens in your new life, put some money in. Write down what it's about next to the amount. The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in.
I've done the first one for you today. Do the others with your husband. When you look back after years, you will know how much happiness you've both shared.'

She shared this with him after getting home. Both of them thought it was a great idea and couldn't wait to make the next deposit! This is what the passbook looked like after a while:

- 7 Feb: $100, his first birthday celebration after marriage
- 1 Mar: $300, she gets a salary raise
- 20 Mar: $200, vacation to Bali
- 15 Apr: $2000, She's pregnant!
- 1 Jun: $1000, He gets the big promotion
and so on...

However, as the years went by, they began fighting and arguing over trivial things. They didn't talk much. They regretted that they had married the most nasty person in the world...There was no more love.

One day she talked to her Mother. 'Mom, we can't stand it anymore. We have decided to divorce. I can't imagine how I decided to marry this guy!'

Her mother replied, 'Sure, that's no big deal. Just do whatever you want, if you really can't stand it. But before that, do one thing. Remember the savings passbook I gave you on your wedding day? Take out all money and spend it first. You shouldn't keep any record of such a poor marriage.'

She agreed with her. So she went to the bank, and was waiting in the queue to cancel the account. While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record. She looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joyful moments came back to her. Her eyes were filled with tears. She left and went home.

When she got home, she handed the passbook to him and asked him to spend the money before getting divorced.

So the next day, he went to the bank, and was waiting in the queue to cancel the account. While he was waiting, he took a look at the passbook record. He looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joyful moments came back to him. His eyes were filled with tears. He left and went home.

He gave the passbook back to her. She found a new deposit of $5000. And a line next to the record: 'This is the day I realized how much I've loved you throughout all these years. How much happiness you've brought me.'

They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back into the safe.

I like this story so much that from now on I will give a print out of this story to every couple who is getting married along with a nice notebook to record their happy times.

love & light
Jaishri Iyer

"Reiki Workshop - Level 1" is tomorrow, Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:00 AM!

Meetup Reminder
The NewAge Foundation (India)
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!


Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:00 AM


At least 6 Spiritual Seekers.
There's still room for 3 more.


The NewAge Foundation
29/2, 1st Floor, Punjabi Bagh Ext.
New Delhi
011-45090232 / 9818181991

RSVP Deadline

Your organizer has set an RSVP deadline for this event. You have until February 12, 2009 11:00 AM to RSVP.

Update your RSVP

Meetup Description

Workshop on Reiki
Ms Virender Bhullar
"Rei" in Japanese means 'Spirit'. And "ki" means 'Life force energy'. Together they can be read as "Spirit led life force energy". Reiki is not magic, black or otherwise, it is not connected to any religious rites or any religion, it is not a cult or anything to do with 'Faith healing'.

Reiki is a Japanese term that when translated means 'Universal life force', what is termed 'Prana' in Sanskrit, 'Chi' in Chinese and is known as 'Cosmic energy' to many. It is the name adopted for a system of healing that was (re) discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the latter part of the ninetieth century. Reiki involves the transfer of energy from the 'Reiki channel' (or the person giving Reiki) to the receiver, it is a method of holistic healing, and the underlying principle of their effectiveness are similar. However, in Reiki, no pressure is required, and the recipient's vital force is activated by the energy received from the Reiki channel.

Apart from our physical bodies, we have other etherical bodies surrounding us. The aura around us has been documented with the help of advanced photography. Yoga describes the presence of seven spiritual energy centers or the chakras in our bodies. They are on our auric level and correspond to the endocrine glands in our bodies. These are so interrelated that an imbalance in one will affect the other. This means that an infection or diseased energy first affects the auric field before the physical body develops symptoms of the illness. Therefore keeping the aura healthy goes a long way in avoiding illness. Practiced regularly, therefore Reiki works on the mind, the body, on the emotional and even on the spiritual planes. Thus, Reiki is not something that should only be done when one is unwell – it is a measure to optimize ourself on all fronts.

Reiki can be learnt and practiced by anyone, even a child. It is a very simple hands–on technique. To be a Reiki channel or a person who can practice Reiki, a person needs to acquire attunement from a Reiki master. This opens the chakras enabling the person to act as an effective conduit for the transfer of the Universal life force energy. Reiki cannot be learned from a book or by instruction. It is one of the ancient mysteries of the world and the activation of Reiki in your hands occurs only through an 'Attunement' or 'Initiation' which is given by a Reiki master.

Course Fee :

Rs.1500/- per head (Only 6 Seats)

Fee Includes Course Material, Lunch & Tea

For confirmation SMS WORKSHOP to 5667780 or
call Sandeep Goswamy at: 9818181991 / 011 45090232

Monday, February 9, 2009

Creativity is the quality that you bring to a activity

CREATIVITY has nothing to do with any activity in particular -- withpainting, poetry, dancing, singing. It has nothing to do with anythingin particular.

Anything can be creative -- you bring that quality to the activity. Activity itself is neither creative nor uncreative. You can paint in an uncreative way. You can sing in an uncreative way. You can clean the floor in a creative way. You can cook in a creative way.

Creativity is the quality that you bring to the activity you are doing. It is an attitude, an inner approach -- how you look at things. So the first thing to be remembered: don't confine creativity toanything in particular. A man is creative -- and if he is creative, whatsoever he does, even if he walks, you can see in his walking there is creativity. Even if he sits silently and does nothing, even non-doing will be a creative act. Buddha sitting under the Bodhi Tree doing nothing is the greatest creator the world has ever known.

Once you understand it -- that it is you, the person, who is creative or uncreative -- then this problem disappears. Not everybody can be a painter -- and there is no need also. If
everybody is a painter the world will be very ugly; it will be difficult to live. And not everybody can be a dancer, and there is no need. But everybody can be creative.

Whatsoever you do, if you do it joyfully, if you do it lovingly, if your act of doing it is not purely economical, then it is creative. If you have something growing out of it within you, if it gives you
growth, it is spiritual, it is creative, it is divine.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A five-dimensional education - Osho

THE EDUCATION THAT has prevailed in the past is very insufficient, incomplete, superficial. It only creates people who can earn their livelihood but it does not give any insight into living itself. It is not only incomplete, it is harmful too -- because it is based on competition.

Any type of competition is violent deep down, and creates people who are unloving. Their whole effort is to be the achievers: of name, of fame, of all kinds of ambitions -- obviously, they have to struggle and be in conflict for them. That destroys their joys and that destroys their friendliness. It seems everybody is fighting against the whole world.

Education up to now has been goal-oriented: what you are learning is not important; what is important is the examination that will come a year or two years later. It makes the future important -- more important than the present. It sacrifices the present for the future. And that becomes your very style of life; you are always sacrificing the moment for something which is not present. It creates a tremendous emptiness in life.

The commune of my vision will have a five-dimensional education.

Before I enter into those five dimensions, a few things have to be noted. One: there should not be any kind of examination as part of education, but every day, every hour, observation by the teachers; their remarks throughout the year will decide whether you move further or you remain a little longer in the same class. Nobody fails, nobody passes -- it is just that a few people are speedy and a few people are a little bit lazy -- because the idea of failure creates a deep wound of inferiority, and the idea of being successful also creates a different kind of disease, that of superiority.

Nobody is inferior, and nobody is superior.
One is just oneself, incomparable.

So, examinations will not have any place. That will change the whole perspective from the future to the present. What you are doing right this moment will be decisive, not five questions at the end of two years. Of thousands of things you will pass through during these two years, each will be decisive; so the education will not be goal-oriented.

The teacher has been of immense importance in the past, because he knew he had passed all the examinations, he had accumulated knowledge. But the situation has changed -- and this is one of the problems, that situations change but our responses remain the old ones. Now the knowledge explosion is so vast, so tremendous, so speedy, that you cannot write a big book on any scientific subject because by the time your book is complete, it will be out of date; new facts, new discoveries will have made it irrelevant. So now science has to depend on articles, on periodicals, not on books.

The teacher was educated thirty years earlier. In thirty years everything has changed, and he goes on repeating what he was taught. He is out of date, and he is making his students out of date. So in my vision the teacher has no place. Instead of teachers there will be guides, and the difference has to be understood: the guide will tell you where, in the library, to find the latest information on the subject.

In the future the computer is going to prove of tremendous, revolutionary importance.

For example, the way education is imparted to students is utterly old-fashioned. It still depends on feeding the memory; and the more the memory is loaded, the less is the possibility of clarity and intelligence. I take it as a great opportunity that students can be freed from storing all kinds of information. They can carry small computers which will have all the information they need at any moment. That will help their minds to be more meditative, clear, innocent. Now their minds are too cluttered with unnecessary rubbish.

In the future, education will be centralized on computer and on TV, because what can be seen graphically is more easily remembered than what is read or heard. Eyes are far more powerful instruments than ears, or anything else. And it takes away the boredom of reading and listening. On the contrary, TV becomes a joyful experience. Geography can be taught very colorfully....

The teacher should be only a guide to show you the right channel, to show you how to use the computer, how to find the latest book. His function will be totally different. He is not imparting knowledge to you, he is making you aware of the contemporary knowledge, of the latest knowledge. He is only a guide.

With these considerations, I divide education into five dimensions.

The first is informative, like history, geography, and many other subjects which can be dealt with by television and computer together.

But about history -- we have to take a completely radical standpoint. Right now history consists of Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Nadirshah, Adolf Hitler, etc. These are not our history, these are our nightmares. Even the idea that human beings can be so cruel to other human beings is nauseating. Our children should not be fed with such ideas.

In the future, history should consist only of those great geniuses who have contributed something to the beauty of this planet, to humanity -- a Gautam Buddha, a Socrates, a Lao Tzu; great mystics like Jalaluddin Rumi, J. Krishnamurti; great poets like Walt Whitman, Omar Khayyam; great literary figures like Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Rabindranath Tagore, Basho.

We should teach the positive grandeur of our inheritance, with footnotes about the people who have been counted up to now as historically great men -- people like Adolf Hitler. They can have only a place in footnotes, or an appendix, with a clear explanation that they were either insane or suffered from some inferiority complex or other psychiatric disorder.

We have to make the future generations completely aware that a dark side existed in the past and dominated the past, but now there is no place for that side.

In the first dimension also come languages. Every person in the world should know at least two languages; one is his mother tongue, and the other is English as an international vehicle for communication. They can also be taught more accurately by television -- the accent, the grammar, everything can be taught more correctly.

We can create in the world an atmosphere of brotherhood: language connects people and language disconnects too. There is right now no international language. This is due to our prejudices. English is perfectly suitable, because it is known by more people around the world on a wider scale.

The second is the inquiry of scientific subjects, which is tremendously important because it is half of reality, the outside reality. They can be imparted by television and computer too, but they are more complicated, and the human guide will be more necessary.

And the third will be what is missing in present-day education, the art of living. People have taken it for granted that they know what love is. They don't know...and by the time they know, it is too late. Every child should be helped to transform his anger, hatred, jealousy, into love.

An important part of the third dimension should also be a sense of humor.

Our so-called education makes people sad and serious. And if one third of your life is wasted in a university in being sad and serious, it becomes ingrained; you forget the language of laughter -- and the man who forgets the language of laughter has forgotten much of life.

So love, laughter, and an acquaintance with life and its wonders, its mysteries.... These birds singing in the trees should not go unheard. The trees and the flowers and the stars should have a connection with your heart. The sunrise and the sunset will not be just outside things – they should be something inner, too. A reverence for life should be the foundation of the third dimension. People are so irreverent to life.

The fourth dimension should be of art and creativity: painting, music, craftsmanship, pottery, masonry -- anything that is creative.

All areas of creativity should be allowed; the students can choose. There should be only a few things compulsory -- for example, an international language should be compulsory; a certain capacity to earn your livelihood should be compulsory; a certain creative art should be compulsory. You can choose through the whole rainbow of creative arts, because unless a man learns how to create, he never becomes a part of existence, which is constantly creative. By being creative one becomes divine; creativity is the only prayer.

And the fifth dimension should be the art of dying.

In this fifth dimension will be all the meditations, so that you can know there is no death, so that you can become aware of an eternal life inside you. This should be absolutely essential, because everybody has to die; nobody can avoid it. And under the big umbrella of meditation, you can be introduced to Zen, to Tao, to Yoga, to Hassidism, to all kinds and all possibilities that have existed, but which education has not taken any care of.

The new commune will have a full education, a whole education.

I have been a professor myself and I resigned from the university with a note saying: This is not education, this is sheer stupidity; you are not teaching anything significant.

But this insignificant education prevails all over the world -- it makes no difference, in the Soviet Union or in America. Nobody has looked for a more whole, a total education. In this sense almost everybody is uneducated; even those who have great degrees are uneducated in the vaster areas of life. A few are more uneducated, a few are less -- but everybody is uneducated, because education as a whole does not exist anywhere.

Osho Vision
The Greatest Challenge: the Golden Future
Education: Forward to the Real Basics

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"We are most fortunate to be on this small planet" - Osho

A right education will teach you how to find your own song and how to learn the dance and not be shy; how to celebrate the small things of life and make this whole planet alive. It is only one, as far as we know, where people can love, where people can meditate, where people can become buddhas, where people like Socrates and Lao Tzu can exist.

We are most fortunate to be on this small planet. It is one of the smallest planets in the universe, but even the greatest stars, millions of times bigger than this earth, cannot claim a single Albert Einstein or a Jesus or a Yehudi Menuhin. It is strange that in this vast universe existence has been successful only on this small planet to create a little consciousness, a little life. Now it is in our hands to grow from this small beginning into the infinite heights which are our potential and which are our birthright.

Up to now education has not been in the right direction. It has been torturing people unnecessarily with history, with geography. If somebody is interested, these subjects should be available. If somebody is interested to know about Constantinople, then let him know. And if somebody is interested to know about Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, let him know. But there is no need to teach people compulsorily all the nonsense and garbage that has happened in the past. That is so stupid and so unbelievable.

To teach people that there have been persons like Genghis Khan and Nadirshah and Tamerlane and Alexander the Great is to teach people about the wrong side of their being.

I have been fighting in the universities,"Why don't you teach about Socrates? Why don't you teach about Chuang Tzu? Why don't you teach about Bodhidharma...?" These are the right side of consciousness. And teaching about the wrong kind of people gives you an idea that it is perfectly good if you are wrong. If you are going slowly to be a Genghis Khan it is perfectly right. You are not doing something new, man has always been doing this.

We have to sort out history, cut out all those wrong people and protect our children from being conditioned that man has been involved in nothing but war, fighting, competition, greed. We should teach our children not what has been but what can be -- not the past, but the future. Why waste so much time on teaching subjects which are of no significance in actual existential life and not give them a single direction about the art of love, the art of life, the meaning of existence, preparation for death with joy, silence and meditativeness. All that is essential is missing, and that which is non-essential and absolutely stupid is being forced.

They say history repeats. History does not repeat. It is our stupidity that we go on and on teaching the same thing to each generation. The poor children are conditioned to imitate the same great heroes who were really criminals, not heroes. Just a single man, Genghis Khan, killed forty million people. It is better to drop all information about these people from education.

Give an education about the dance of a Shiva, the flute of Krishna. Teach them all that has been beautiful and good so that they become accustomed that all that is good is natural, and the bad is accidental -- that the bad does not happen, has never happened, and the good is absolutely normal. To be a buddha is not something abnormal. It should be taught to every child that to be a buddha is a normal phenomenon. Anybody who is wise enough is going to become a buddha.

You are going to become a buddha. The greatest revolution has to happen in education and its systems; otherwise, man will go on repeating history.

Om Shantih Shantih Shantih
Chapter #27

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Nothing is so helpful as celebration - Osho

In this world of consciousness, nothing is so helpful as celebration. Celebration is like watering a plant. Worry is just the opposite of celebration; it is just like cutting the roots. Feel happy! Dance with your silence. This moment it is there -- enough. Why ask for more? Tomorrow will take care of itself. This moment is too much; why not live it, celebrate it, share it, enjoy it? Let it become a song, a dance, a poetry; let it be creative. Let your silence be creative; do something with it.

Millions of things are possible because nothing is more creative than silence. No need to become a very great painter, world-famous, a Picasso. No need to become a Henry Moore; no need to become a great poet. Those ambitions of being great are of the mind, not of the silence. In your own way, howsoever small, paint. In your own way, howsoever small, make a haiku. In your own way, howsoever small, sing a song, dance a little, celebrate, and you will find the next moment brings more silence. And once you know that the more you celebrate, the more is given to you, the more you share -- the more you become capable of receiving it. Each moment it goes on growing, growing. And the next moment is always born out of this moment, so why worry about it? If this moment is silent, how the next moment can be chaos? From where will it come? It is going to be born out of this moment. If I am happy this moment, how in the next moment I can be unhappy?

If you want the next moment to be unhappy, you will have to become unhappy in this moment, because out of unhappiness, unhappiness is born; out of happiness, happiness is born. Whatsoever you want to reap in the next moment, you will have to sow right now. Once the worry is allowed and you start thinking that chaos will come, it will come; you have already brought it. Now you will have to crop it; it has already come. No need to wait for the next moment; it is already there.
Remember this, and this is really something strange: when you are sad you never think that it may be imaginary. Never I have come across a man who is sad and who says to me that maybe it is just imaginary. Sadness is perfectly real. But happiness? -- immediately something goes wrong and you start thinking, "Maybe it is imaginary." Whenever you are tense, you never think it is imaginary. If you can think that your tension and anguish is imaginary, it will disappear. And if you think your silence and happiness is imaginary, it will disappear.
Whatsoever is taken as real, becomes real. Whatsoever is taken as unreal, becomes unreal. You are the creator of your whole world around you; remember this. So rare it is to achieve a moment of happiness, bliss -- don't waste it in thinking. But if you don't do anything, the possibility of worry is there. If you don't do anything... if you don't dance, if you don't sing, if you don't share, the possibility is there. The very energy that could have been creative will create the worry. It will start creating new tensions inside.
Energy has to be creative. If you don't use it for happiness, the same energy will be used for unhappiness. And for unhappiness you have so deep-rooted habits the energy flow is very loose and natural. For happiness it is an uphill task.

So for few days you will have to be constantly aware, and whenever there is a moment, let it grip you, possess you, and enjoy it in such a totality... how the next moment can be different? From where it will be different? From where it will come?
Your time is created within you. Your time is not my time. There exist as many times parallel as there are minds. There is not one time. If there is one time, then there will be difficulty. Then amidst the whole miserable human-kind, nobody can become a Buddha because we belong to the same time. No, it is not the same. My time comes from me -- it is my creativity. If this moment is beautiful, the next moment is born more beautiful -- this is my time. If this moment is sad for you, then a sadder moment is born out of you -- that is your time. Parallel millions of lines of time exist. And there are few people who exist without time -- those who have attained to no-mind. They have no time because they don't think about past; it is gone, so only fools think about it. When something is gone, it is gone.



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