Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year Message From Osho

Osho, what is your message to humanity on this new year's day?

My message is simple. My message is a new man, homo novus. The old concept of man was of either/or; materialist or spiritualist, moral or immoral, sinner or saint. It was based on division, split. It created a schizophrenic humanity. The whole past of humanity has been sick, unhealthy, insane. In three thousand years, five thousand wars have been fought. This is just utterly mad; it is unbelievable. It is stupid, unintelligent, inhuman.

Once you divide man in two, you create misery and hell for him. He can never be healthy and can never be whole, the other half that has been denied will go on taking revenge. It will go on finding ways and means to overcome the part that you have imposed upon yourself. You will become a battle-ground, a civil war. That's what has been the case in the past.

In the past we were not able to create real human beings, but humanoids. A humanoid is one who looks like a human being but is utterly crippled, paralysed. He has not been allowed to bloom in his totality. He is half, and because he is half he is always in anguish and tension; he cannot celebrate. Only a whole man can celebrate. Celebration is the fragrance of being whole.

Only a tree that has lived wholly will flower. Man has not flowered yet.

The past has been very dark and dismal. It has been a dark night of the soul. And because it was repressive, it was bound to become aggressive. If something is repressed, man becomes aggressive, he loses all soft qualities. It was always so up to now. We have come to a point where the old has to be dropped and the new has to be heralded.

The new man will not be either/or; he will be both/and. The new man will be earthy and divine, worldly and other-worldly. The new man will accept his totality and he will live it without any inner division, he will not be split. His god will not be opposed to the devil, his morality will not be opposed to immorality; he will know no opposition. He will transcend duality, he will not be schizophrenic. With the new man there will come a new world, because the new man will perceive in a qualitatively different way and he will live a totally different life which has not been lived yet. He will be a mystic, a poet, a scientist, all together. He will not choose: he will be choicelessly himself.

That's what I teach: homo novus, a new man, not a humanoid. The humanoid is not a natural phenomenon. The humanoid is created by the society -- by the priest, the politician, the pedagogue. The humanoid is created, it is manufactured. Each child comes as a human being: total, whole, alive, without any split. Immediately the society starts suffocating him, stifling him, cutting him into fragments, telling him what to do and what not to do, what to be and what not to be. His wholeness is soon lost. He becomes guilty about his whole being. He denies much that is natural, and in that very denial he becomes uncreative. Now he will be only a fragment, and a fragment cannot dance, a fragment cannot sing, and a fragment is always suicidal because the fragment cannot know what life is. The humanoid cannot will on his own. Others have been willing for him -- his parents, the teachers, the leaders, the priests; they have taken all his willing. They will, they order; he simply follows. The humanoid is a slave.

I teach freedom. Now man has to destroy all kinds of bondages and he has to come out of all prisons -- no more slavery. Man has to become individual. He has to become rebellious. And whenever a man has become rebellious.... Once in a while a few people have escaped from the tyranny of the past, but only once in a while -- a Jesus here and there, a Buddha here and there. They are exceptions. And even these people, Buddha and Jesus, could not live totally. They tried, but the whole society was against it.

My concept of the new man is that he will be Zorba the Greek and he will also be Gautam the Buddha: the new man will be Zorba the Buddha. He will be sensuous and spiritual, physical, utterly physical, in the body, in the senses, enjoying the body and all that the body makes possible, and still a great consciousness, a great witnessing will be there. He will be Christ and Epicurus together.

The old man's ideal was renunciation; the new man's ideal will be rejoicing. And this new man is coming every day, he is arriving every day. People have not yet become aware of him. In fact he has already dawned. The old is dying, the old is on its death-bed. I don't mourn for it and I say please don't mourn for it. It is good that it dies, because out of its death the new will assert. The death of the old will be the beginning of the new. The new can come only when the old has died utterly.

Help the old to die and help the new to be born! And remember, the old has all the respectability, the whole past will be in his support; and the new will be a very strange phenomenon. The new will be so new that he will not be respected. Every effort will be made to destroy the new. The new cannot be respectable, but with the new is the future of the whole of humanity. The new has to be brought in.

My work consists in creating a Buddhafield, an energy-field, where the new can be born. I am only a midwife helping the new to come into a world which will not be accepting of it. The new will need much support from those who understand, from those who want some revolution to happen. And the time is ripe, it has never been so ripe. The time is right, it has never been so right. The new can assert itself, the break-through has become possible.

The old is so rotten that even with all support it cannot survive; it is doomed! We can delay, we can go on worshipping the old; that will be just delaying the process. The new has to come: at the most, we can help it to come sooner, or we can hinder it and delay its coming. It is good to help it. If it comes sooner, humanity can still have a future, and a great future: a future of freedom, a future of love, a future of joy.

I teach a new religion. This religion will not be Christianity and will not be Judaism and will not be Hinduism. This religion will not have any adjective to it. This religion will be purely a religious quality of being whole.

My sannyasins have to become the first rays of the sun that is going to come on the horizon. It is a tremendous task, it is an almost impossible task, but because it is impossible it is going to seduce all those who have any soul left in them. It is going to create a great longing in all those people who have some adventure hidden in their beings, who are courageous, brave, because it is really going to create a brave new world.

I talk of Buddha, I talk of Christ, I talk of Krishna, I talk of Zarathustra, so that all that is best and all that is good in the past can be preserved. But these are only a few exceptions. The whole humanity has lived in great slavery, chained, split, insane.

I say my message is simple, but it will be very hard, difficult, to make it happen. But the harder, the more impossible, it is, the greater is the challenge. And the time is right because religion has failed. science has failed. The time is right because the East has failed, the West has failed. Something of a higher synthesis is needed in which East and West can have a meeting, in which religion and science can have a meeting.

Religion failed because it was other-worldly and it neglected this world. And you cannot neglect this world; to neglect this world is to neglect your own roots. Science has failed because it neglected the other world, the inner, and you cannot neglect the flowers. Once you neglect the flowers, the innermost core of being, life loses all meaning. The tree needs roots, so man needs roots, and the roots can only be in the earth. The tree needs an open sky to grow, to come to a great foliage and to have thousands of flowers. Then only is the tree fulfilled, then only does the tree feel significance and meaning and life becomes relevant.

Man is a tree. Religion has failed because it is talking only of the flowers. Those flowers remain philosophical, abstract; they never materialise. They could not materialise because they were not supported by the earth. And science has failed because it cares only about the roots. The roots are ugly and there seems to be no flowering.

The West is suffering from too much science; the East has suffered from too much religion. Now we need a new humanity in which religion and science become two aspects of one man. And the bridge is going to be art. That's why I say that the new man will be a mystic, a poet and a scientist.

Between science and religion only art can be the bridge -- poetry, music, sculpture. Once we have brought this new man into existence, the earth can become for the first time what it is meant to become. It can become a paradise: this very body the Buddha, this very earth the paradise!

Osho, from: "Zorba The Buddha"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Are You Unable To Decide about Past Life Regression ?


This is about the Past Life Regression & Energy Balancing Workshop by Smita Wankhade

We recieved a lot of calls regarding this workshop and most of the seats are already booked. The question that was being asked frequently was that "Is this workshop about teaching how to give the PLR Therapy or Is it about undergoing the session?"

Since only 2 days are left for the Early Bird Offer to expire, I thought of clearing the mist :-)

The 1st half of the 1st day will be devoted to explaining the science behind this amazing therapy and rest of the 1 & 1/2 days will be completely experiential. We will undergo 5 sessions of Past life reggresion and work on our issues of Health, Wealth, Relationships, Fears & Phobias etc.. One session will be devoted to connecting with our masters & guides. We will, during these 2 days will be on a journey of self discovery and when we come out of this experience will be not the same as what we were ;-)

This is also the basic workshop for being eligible to attend the Therapist Training Course which will enable you to be a Past Life Regressionist. This course is being planned sometime in February or March & will be a 6 days intensive residential course.

I am not writing this email for everybody allthough its being sent to everyone... its meant for those 2 or 3 who are sitting on the fence and unable to decide....

Lots of Love & Light

Sandeep Goswamy
The NewAge Foundation

To visit The NewAge Foundation (India), go here:

Sandeep Goswamy

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Come join me at Live Longer & Younger on The NewAge Foundation

Your Partner In Spiritual & Personal Growth
Sandeep Goswa…
Sandeep Goswamy has invited you to the event 'Live Longer & Younger' on The NewAge Foundation!
Check out "Live Longer & Younger" on The NewAge Foundation

Sandeep Goswamy

Live Longer & Younger Time: January 23, 2010 at 9am to January 24, 2010 at 6pm
Location: Hotel "The Connaught"
Organized By: The NewAge Foundation

Event Description:
This is series intensive workshops focused on practices for Rejuvenation & Longevity of the Body, Mind, Spirit (BMS) that can lead to profound wellness, alignment and balance.
Live Longer & Younger (LLY) is a two day seminar focused on practices for Rejuvenation of the BMS complex. LLY Series I gives participants an active exploration in:
Practical Energy Medicine with Dr. Gene Nelson
Energy Medicine: History & Principles
The Energy Body: Energetic Anatomy & Physiology
Maintaining the Energy Body Daily
Practical Methods for Integrating the BMS Matrix
Taoist Practices for Health & Longevity with Dr. Paula Horan
Inner Smile
Six Healing Sounds
Producing Long Life Elixirs
The Alkalarian Life Style with Dr. Gene Nelson
Understanding Acid/Alkaline Balance Formula
The Alkaline 80/20 Diet
Techniques for Increasing Alkalinity
See Clearly Method—Eye Yoga with Dr. Gene Nelson
Behavioral Ophthalmology
Vision—How It Works and How to Improve It
Returning to 20/20 Vision (Daily Exercises)
Facercise—Look 10 Years Younger in 20 Minutes/Day with Dr. Paula Horan
Simple, but very effective facial exercises done in 20 minutes a day to take years of your face
The Psychology of Beliefs (Psych-K Method/Rewriting the Software of the Unconscious Mind
with Dr. Gene Nelson & Dr. Paula Horan
Using Applied Kinesiology (AK)
The Conscious versus the Unconscious Mind
Learning Psych-K Method to Transform Beliefs
Transpersonal Breath—Daleth Anu Kri Breath Work with Dr. Gene Nelson & Dr. Paula Horan
Experiencing A Direct Spiritual Connection

Register Now : sms NEWAGE to 53030
Or Call Sandeep 981-818-1991
Investment : Rs. 6,000 includes tea breaks & lunch both days

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Endorsement By Rohini Singh (Healer & Author of "Only Way Out Is Within")

"Theta Healing is an extremely effective and simpe way of healing and growing. Getting to core beliefs and changing them can change the paradigm in whch you live and help you create an expanded, joyous life. This is the promise of Theta Healing.

Shalin Khurana is a gifted, intuitve and caring teacher and ppractitioner of this technique. She is blessed to have had the opportunity to train directly with Vianna, the founder of this technique, and has since helped many students and others seeking healing to benefit from this modalit


Rohini Singh is a Healer & The Author of "Only Way Out Is Within"

ThetaHealing™ Basic DNA 1 & 2 - A 3 Day Workshop By Shalin Khurana

Dates : 16th to 18th December 2009
Venue : Hotel "The Connaught" New Delhi-1

Sandeep Goswamy

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Come join me at Live Longer & Younger on The NewAge Foundation

The NewAge Foundation
Your Partner In Spiritual & Personal Growth
Sandeep Gos...
Sandeep Goswamy has invited you to the event 'Live Longer & Younger' on The NewAge Foundation!
Check out "Live Longer & Younger" on The NewAge Foundation

Sandeep Goswamy

Live Longer & Younger Time: January 23, 2010 at 9am to January 24, 2010 at 6pm
Location: Hotel "The Connaught"
Organized By: The NewAge Foundation

Event Description:
This is series intensive workshops focused on practices for Rejuvenation & Longevity of the Body, Mind, Spirit (BMS) that can lead to profound wellness, alignment and balance.
Live Longer & Younger (LLY) is a two day seminar focused on practices for Rejuvenation of the BMS complex. LLY Series I gives participants an active exploration in:
Practical Energy Medicine with Dr. Gene Nelson
Energy Medicine: History & Principles
The Energy Body: Energetic Anatomy & Physiology
Maintaining the Energy Body Daily
Practical Methods for Integrating the BMS Matrix
Taoist Practices for Health & Longevity with Dr. Paula Horan
Inner Smile
Six Healing Sounds
Producing Long Life Elixirs
The Alkalarian Life Style with Dr. Gene Nelson
Understanding Acid/Alkaline Balance Formula
The Alkaline 80/20 Diet
Techniques for Increasing Alkalinity
See Clearly Method—Eye Yoga with Dr. Gene Nelson
Behavioral Ophthalmology
Vision—How It Works and How to Improve It
Returning to 20/20 Vision (Daily Exercises)
Facercise—Look 10 Years Younger in 20 Minutes/Day with Dr. Paula Horan
Simple, but very effective facial exercises done in 20 minutes a day to take years of your face
The Psychology of Beliefs (Psych-K Method/Rewriting the Software of the Unconscious Mind
with Dr. Gene Nelson & Dr. Paula Horan
Using Applied Kinesiology (AK)
The Conscious versus the Unconscious Mind
Learning Psych-K Method to Transform Beliefs
Transpersonal Breath—Daleth Anu Kri Breath Work with Dr. Gene Nelson & Dr. Paula Horan
Experiencing A Direct Spiritual Connection

Register Now : sms NEWAGE to 53030
Or Call Sandeep 981-818-1991
Investment : Rs. 6,000 includes tea breaks & lunch both days

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Come join me at ThetaHealing™ Advanced DNA 2.5 - A 3 Day Course by Shalin Khurana on The NewAge Foundation

The NewAge Foundation
Your Partner In Spiritual & Personal Growth
Sandeep Gos...
Sandeep Goswamy has invited you to the event 'ThetaHealing™ Advanced DNA 2.5 - A 3 Day Course by Shalin Khurana' on The NewAge Foundation!
Check out "ThetaHealing™ Advanced DNA 2.5 - A 3 Day Course by Shalin Khurana" on The NewAge Foundation

Sandeep Goswamy

ThetaHealingâ„¢ Advanced DNA 2.5 - A 3 Day Course by Shalin Khurana Time: December 19, 2009 at 9am to December 21, 2009 at 5pm
Location: Hotel "The Connaught"
Organized By: The NewAge Foundation

Event Description:
ThetaHealing™ Advanced DNA 2.5 Course

Prerequisites: Basic DNA

Includes: Vianna's Advanced Manual

The Advanced ThetaHealing™ Course expands the information in the Basic Class to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us. The student will learn how to clear old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold them back. The student will discover how to heal with the "Baby in the Womb" and "Heal the Broken Soul" exercises. The student will receive Feelings that are Downloaded from the Instructor that will bring profound healing and enlightenment to them. This class is a delightful experience as students are filled with many new and positive feelings such as knowing how to live in the now and what self acceptance feels like for the Seventh Plane.

The Advanced Class has the following :

* The Awakened Masters
* Release from Oaths & Vows
* An in-depth understanding of The Seven Planes of Existence
* Equations of Planes of Existence
* Vows to be cleared
* Programs of the Planes
* An understanding of Initiations
* Advanced Healing
* Advanced Programs
* Key Beliefs -Digging
* An in-depth study of Belief Work
* Finding the Bottom Belief
* Fear Work
* An in-depth study of the Feeling Work
* Downloads - The instilling of Feelings
* The Three Rs - The release of Resentments, Rejections and Regrets
* Exercise - Free Floating Memories
* Exercise - Baby in the Womb
* Exercise - The Broken Soul
* Exercise - Second Plane meets Seventh Plane
* Exercise - Fourth Plane meets Seventh Plane
* Exercise - Clearing Non-Organic Material
* Exercise - Talk to Higher Self
* DNA 3 Pre-requisites
* The Sacred Number Seven

Facilitated By Shalin Khurana who is certified by ThetaHealing Founder Vianna Stibal

Her Certifications Include:

Basic DNA
Basic DNA Teacher
Advanced DNA
Advanced DNA Teachers
Intuitive Anatomy
Manifesting and Abundance
Manifesting and Abundance Teachers

Registration : sms NEWAGE to 53030 or Call Sandeep 9818181991

Course dates : Decmber 19th, 20th & 21st 2009 9.30 AM to 5.30 AM All Days

Course Fee : Rs.15,200/- Per Head
Early Bird Discount Rs. 2,700/- i.e You Pay Only Rs. 12,500/- if you register before 7th December 2009
Special Offer For Students, Senior Citizens & Housewives Call 9818181991
Includes: ThetaHealing™ book & Manual.
Also includes lunch, tea/coffee and snacks .
All participants receive Practitioner Certificates on completion of each workshop.

See more details and RSVP on The NewAge Foundation:
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Come join me at ThetaHealing™ Basic DNA 1 & 2 - A 3 Day Course by Shalin Khurana on The NewAge Foundation

The NewAge Foundation
Your Partner In Spiritual & Personal Growth
Sandeep Gos...
Sandeep Goswamy has invited you to the event 'ThetaHealing™ Basic DNA 1 & 2 - A 3 Day Course by Shalin Khurana' on The NewAge Foundation!
Check out "ThetaHealing™ Basic DNA 1 & 2 - A 3 Day Course by Shalin Khurana" on The NewAge Foundation

Sandeep Goswamy

ThetaHealingâ„¢ Basic DNA 1 & 2 - A 3 Day Course by Shalin Khurana Time: December 16, 2009 at 9am to December 18, 2009 at 5pm
Location: Hotel "The Connaught"
Organized By: The NewAge Foundation

Event Description:
ThetaHealing™ is designed by Vianna as a therapeutic self-help guide to develop the ability to change on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using the theta-mind state. ThetaHealing™ is best known for the Belief and Feeling Work on all four levels; Core, Gene, History, and Soul. With growing scientific evidence that toxic emotion can contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health, there is increasing interest in changing how the mind influences the body to create optimum health.

Belief and Feeling Work empower people with the ability to remove and replace negative emotions, feelings and thoughts with positive, beneficial ones. ThetaHealing™ can be most easily described as an attainable miracle for your life.

ThetaHealing™ is also best known for the 7 Planes of Existence; a concept to connect to the Highest Level of Love and Energy of All That Is. Using this concept, the practitioner can achieve the highest clarity and wisdom love.

ThetaHealing™ is purely an energy healing modality that opens up a world of magic and miracles. ThetaHealing™ has a scientific base as it uses quantum physics to explore the deeper realms of the subconscious mind and 'pull' out limited beliefs, inhibitions, fears, negative stereotypes and widens horizons for a more meaningful and positive existence. The healing transforms our lives, helps us work through our anxieties and depression and thereby facilitates the development of compatible relationships.
Use ThetaHealing™; to remove fears, build your self-esteem, find your most compatible soul-mate, manifest abundance and wealth.
Theta provides a road-map to spiritual consciousness and awareness culminating in an integration with the Creator. Reach a state of true harmony of spiritual ascendance and manifest abundance. Allow yourself to receive happiness, success, love and confidence. Consciously create your life and look forward to a new illuminating journey!

Course Contents

Everything is energy...
This includes beliefs, feelings and patterns. What we project out into the Universe, we attract back to ourselves.
"What we think and feel, we become" - Buddha
In the Theta Healing Basic course you will learn how to effortlessly locate limiting beliefs, feelings and patterns that are stored within your sub-conscious mind and how to instantly transform them into loving, empowering ones!
These tools give you the power to create your life, design your future and have a lot of fun along the way!
You will learn practical ways to implement this incredible technique into your every day life, enhancing every aspect of your life - from career to finance to personal relationships to personal growth and everything in between!
Experience 3 days of healing and learning that is life-transforming and gain a new outlook on life and your own personal journey!
Learn this amazing process that lowers the brainwaves to Theta where instantaneous healing and changes in the genetic programs can be easily made.

This seminar is 75% hands-on

Facilitated By Shalin Khurana


Basic DNA
Basic DNA Teacher
Advanced DNA
Advanced DNA Teachers
Intuitive Anatomy
Manifesting and Abundance
Manifesting and Abundance Teachers

Registration : sms NEWAGE to 53030 or Call Sandeep 9818181991.

Course dates : Decmber 16th, 17st & 18th 2009 9.30 AM to 5.30 AM All Days

Course Fee : Rs.10,700/- Per Head

Call 9818181991
Includes: ThetaHealing™ book & Manual.
Also includes lunch, tea/coffee and snacks .
All participants receive Practitioner Certificates on completion of each workshop.

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Meet other locals to discuss your spiritual path. Share your most profound and transformational personal experiences.
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Come join me at VIOLET FLAME HEALING - 1 Day Workshop by Meera Kundra on The NewAge Foundation

The NewAge Foundation
Your Partner In Spiritual & Personal Growth
Sandeep Gos...
Sandeep Goswamy has invited you to the event 'VIOLET FLAME HEALING - 1 Day Workshop by Meera Kundra' on The NewAge Foundation!
Ascended master Saint Germain invites and requests holistic healers and light workers to heal the earth as it goes through transformation and convergence of environmental distruction in 2012

VIOLET FLAME HEALING - 1 Day Workshop by Meera Kundra Time: December 6, 2009 from 10am to 5pm
Location: Hotel "The Connaught"
Organized By: The NewAge Foundation

Event Description:
Violet Flame Healing - 1 Day Workshop by Meera Kundra

"The Violet Flame is a unique high frequency spiritual energy that resides in our higher self and when involved it transmates the Karmas traumas, phobias and miasms of our past and present lives and heals us on physical astral, mental, etheric and spiritual levels."

As we recite the violet flame decrees (mantra) with devotion this flame permeates every cell, atom, mind, emotion and the subconscious memory, it cleanses and purifies our aura and other major chakras.

The violet flame is a combination of:

1. Blue flame that represents will denotes power.
2. Golden flame that represents wisdom and denotes authority.
3. Pink flame represents love and denotes forgiveness.

The combination of gold, blue and pink is violet that represents love, forgiveness, mercy, compassion and transmutation.

Keeper of violet flame is St Germain

Saint Germain known as the "wonder man of Europe" .he was an alchemist, healer, herbalist, musician, writer, hypnotist, painter, singer and diplomat. He lived for 200 years and looked only 40 as he was devoid of any negative feeling (the secret of his youth and innocent looks).

How will the violet flame work?

The violet flame works on all the bodies that envelop our souls.

1. The physical body- on earth.
2. The astral body-our emotions.
3. The mental body- conscious and sub conscious mind.
4. The etheric body- contains the karmas of other lives. The violet flame heals on all four bodies by changing the rate of vibrations.
5. The spiritual body – connects to higher self.

The keeper of the violet flame

1. St Germain
2. Archangles Michael and zadkiel
3. Ascended master- omritas
4. Ascended master el morya
5. Maha Avatar babaji

Violet flame clearing meditation and initiation.

Facilitated by MEERA KUNDRA

MEERA KUNDRA is a reiki grandmaster in the WILLIAM LEE RAND linage of grandmasters. She is also a lama fera practioner and conducts various courses on reiki, dowsing, violet flame healing, magnified healing, crystal therapy, bach flower treatments, crytal ball gazing, runes, angels healing therapy and pyramidology.

She also specializes in Tarot and teaches basic and advanced courses of tarot through Rider Waite, Osho Zen, Angel cards and Alister Crowley methods of interpretations. She has founded her own research center by the name of DIVINE ASPIRATIONS which trains students to conduct complimentary therapies.

Meera is the author and originator of the angel tarot deck(divining with angels) and has other list of cards and books in publication.

Timing 10 AM - 5 PM
Fee : Rs. 3,000/-
sms NEWAGE to 53030 or Call 9818181991

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Meet other locals to discuss your spiritual path. Share your most profound and transformational personal experiences.
The NewAge Foundation 69 members
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Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Past Life Regression Workshop", Thursday, November 26, 2009 9:00 AM!

Meetup Announcement
The NewAge Foundation (India)
Your group has a Meetup Thursday, November 26, 2009 9:00 AM!

Thursday, November 26, 2009 9:00 AM


Summit Room,
Hotel "The Connaught" Behind Shivaji Stadum, Connaught Place
New Delhi-1

You only have until November 25, 2009 9:00 PM to RSVP!


Here's what people are saying about this Meetup Group

"To find interesting stuff."

— Priyanka

"To learn the lessons so as to get their soul evovled to next stage and ultimately to get out from the karmic cycles to reach infinite soul stage."

— Anuj Garg

Learn more about this Meetup

Meetup Description

Past Life Regression and Energy Balancing (2 Days Basic Workshop)

Facilitated By : Manasi & Smita

This experiential workshop helps one understand the higher dimension and to see the big picture of life to live a fuller life. It also helps one find joy, peace, love, confidence, courage and the spark in life!

This workshop helps one to connect with the masters, guiding angels and higher self. It also helps one to find the purpose of life and to resolve health, wealth, relationship, fears, phobias or any other issues by going to root cause of those issues.

The root cause could be in the past of the present life or any previous lives. This is achieved by retrieving energies from the past and transforming them to love-based energies.


Meditation Being with the breath.
Who am I Practical session on "Who Am I".
Reincarnation What is reincarnation and why do we reincarnate?
Karma What is karma?
Past-life regression What is Past-life Regression, its benefits, and evidences?
Emotions What is the importance of emotions?
Fears, phobias Where do they come from? Practical session and tools to release fears and phobias.
Relationships Importance of relationships. Practical session on understanding troubled relationships.
Health Why does one have health problems, where do they come from? Cellular Memories. Practical session on health issues.
Wealth creation What is wealth and how to create wealth? Practical session to find abundance.
Life between lives What happens in the after-death-stage?

Purpose of life Practical session on meeting your masters and guides and finding the purpose of life.

What is Past-Life Regression

"If you don't believe in karma, or reincarnation, don't worry; probably you will, in your next life."
Dr. Bruce Goldberg

We are the sum total of all that we have been in our past lives. Past-Life-Regression is a holistic healing technique because it works on the body, mind, emotions and spirit. It transports the subject back and retrieves memories of the past-lives. These memories are not accessible during normal waking consciousness. 'Re-living is relieving.'

Past-life-regression helps us to explore past-lives and retrieve the energies of those lives.
Past-life-regression brings a person in touch with his larger reality and helps to achieve a clear understanding of why situations in this life are the way they are.
Past-life-regression goes to the root cause of a problem and enables us to eliminate the source of the problem.
Root cause of a problem lies in the Past and its effect is felt in the Present.
By exploring our past-lives, we can find solutions for the problems that we face in the present life.
Thoughts, words, feelings and actions that have been set in motion in the past continue to affect us at all levels of our being (body, mind, emotions, spirit) in the present moment.

What we did yesterday, made our today, and what we do today, makes our tomorrow.

Benefits of Past-Life Regression

Past-life-regression is capable of healing a person's emotional, mental and physical problems.

In the upper realms, our past, present and future occur simultaneously. Hence, our subconscious mind can access our past-lives and transform the energy of the past-lives, so that it does not have a negative impact on our present lives.

This transformation during Past-Life-Regression brings about healing.

Past-life regression Overcomes problems related to:


Heals chronic diseases
Helps overcome fears and phobias
Improves inter-personal relationships
Retrieves talents and abilities of the past
Resolves jinxes and hard luck patterns
Frees us from the fear of death
Connects us to our masters and guides
Connects us with loved ones who have left the body
Helps to find our purpose of life
Helps to design our future.

Click Here For A Video On Why & Who Should Do It.

'We are spiritual beings having a human experience and not human beings having a spiritual experience.'

Introduction To Past Life Regression Workshop - Video

About The Facilitators:-

Manasi Sose

Manasi had a fascination towards occult sciences since her early childhood. She began to learn the art of Palmistry and Numerology at the age of ten. Subsequently, she began the study of Psychology, Face Reading and Body Language. She began practicing Yoga and Pranayaam since the age of fourteen, soon followed by Vipassana.

Manasi has been doing research in the field of Past Life Regression, for the last one decade. She developed an interest in this topic due to her experiences; in dreams and during reiki sessions, with many Masters and enlightened souls. She realized that Past Life Regression and Breath Work or Rebirthing Process has the power to effectively resolve emotional and physical problems and discover inner peace. After experiencing transformation, she began to see her life from a higher perspective. Having benefited immensely from Past-Life-Regression and Energy Balancing, she was inspired to guide others and help them discover happiness and live a life filled with joy.Manasi has learnt the process of "Inner-Child Healing" and "Painting and Healing".
She has been giving healing sessions for more than a decade now, through energy work earlier and now assimilates the technique of Past-Life Regression, Breath Work or Re-birthing Process, Inner Child Healing and Painting

Smita Wankhede

Smita is a Breath Worker, a Past life Regressionist, and a Reiki master. She has been studying the benefits of meditation, creative visualization, energy work and past-life regression, since the year 1998.

After having gone through different experiences in childood like tuning to different realms, seeing a 'soul', out-of- the- body experiences, her curiosity about the mystics increased and she understood these experiences when she began learning more about this subject. With her questions answered when she was introduced to the world of spirituality, she realized that spirituality is a wisdom that brings joy which has to be experienced, and that, this joy has to be shared with all mankind!

Having benefited from the breath work and past life regression sessions and with a natural flare for teaching, she realized that giving healing to others and spreading the knowledge of spiritual science is her purpose in life! Through her healing sessions, people have found relief from issues which were preventing them from living a fuller life. Each of them have found the purpose of their life and have been able to balance their material and spiritual life.

Workshop Fee : Rs. 6,600/- Per Head (Includes Course Material, Lunch & Tea/Cofee on both days)
Special Offer For Couples attending together : Rs. 11,100/-
sms NEWAGE to 53030 for more details or Call Sandeep Goswamy 9818181991

Click Here for A Video on Glimpses Of The Last Workshop

Testimonials From The Previous Workshop

" The workshop is just what I needed at the moment. I feel a sense of completion & a security that whatever is happening is just right for me. I feel confident about my relationships... & the understanding behind them. I know & understand my decisions in life so far. Just want to thank Manasi & Smita."
- Dr. Saurabhi Khurana

"Workshop was very good especially connecting to masters. I connected with my mother who is paralyzed and lying in bed. I could not go deep in my past lives but I am feeling a lot of peace and I am relaxed."
- Purnima Sharma (Architect)

"These 2 days I felt are not enough. The workshop should be of 5 days. I feel relaxed & understand my problem accurately & now I have the answers to all my questions. I now know what I have to do rather what I love to do. My experience is immense & I have no words. I would love to know more about myself with these or related workshops. Thank you Manasi, Smita & Sandeep..."
- Jeetika Duneja (Home Maker)

"Great Workshop...... Lot to take home as learnings!" - Vandana Chibber (Business Executive)

"Thank you Manasiji, Smitaji & Sandeepji ... It was a very profound experience"-Ashok Vij C.A

"I have attended this workshop for the 2nd time & these workshops have been a life changing experience for me. I have become more calm and relaxed. Thanks a lot Manasi & Smita for bringing out the negativity from me thru these workshops." - Anuj Garg (Finance Executive)

"I have attended this workshop for the 1st time & must say it was a wonderful experience for me. It shows me the way to make my life better, Thank you." - Shallu Garg (Home Maker)

Sandeep Goswamy

Friday, October 30, 2009

Come join me at Angel Healing Therapy - A Course by Meera Kundra on The NewAge Foundation

The NewAge Foundation
Your Partner In Spiritual & Personal Growth
Sandeep Gos...
Sandeep Goswamy has invited you to the event 'Angel Healing Therapy - A Course by Meera Kundra' on The NewAge Foundation!
Check out "Angel Healing Therapy - A Course by Meera Kundra" on The NewAge Foundation

Sandeep Goswamy

Angel Healing Therapy - A Course by Meera Kundra Time: November 22, 2009 from 9:45am to 6pm
Location: "The Summit Room" Hotel The Connaught,
Organized By: The NewAge Foundation

Event Description:

Allow angel intervention to inspire,transcend,motivate,heal and shower and abundance of welfare, harmony, love. joy, good health, peace, prosperity and opulence in your life.

This comprehensive course will give you daily guidance on how to sense the presence of angels,to communicate with them,to divine with their energies on physical,mental and emotional levels.

You can also invoke specific angelic assistance to resolve all problems related to Career, Relationships, Health, Finances, Growth, Prosperity and Goal Achievement.

Facilitated by MEERA KUNDRA

MEERA KUNDRA is a reiki grandmaster in the WILLIAM LEE RAND linage of grandmasters. She is also a lama fera practioner and conducts various courses on reiki, dowsing, violet flame healing, magnified healing, crystal therapy, bach flower treatments, crytal ball gazing, runes, angels healing therapy and pyramidology.

She also specializes in Tarot and teaches basic and advanced courses of tarot through Rider Waite, Osho Zen, Angel cards and Alister Crowley methods of interpretations. She has founded her own research center by the name of DIVINE ASPIRATIONS which trains students to conduct complimentary therapies.

Meera is the author and originator of the angel tarot deck(divining with angels) and has other list of cards and books in publication.


10a.m - 11 a.m- Introduction

1. Meera's experience with angels & her conviction to present this course.
2. The origin of angels and their purpose in our lives.
3. Angelic signs and sensing their presence.
4. Invoking angels to resolve issues and deal with day to day problems.
5. Benefits of angel therapy .

11:30-12:30- The seven heavens/angels of 7 rays

6. Manifesting goals with angel grid through crystals.
7. Angel meditation.
8. Angels of different days,zodiac signs,numbers and planets.
9. SoS calls to angels for immediate help.

2 p.m

10. Details of different angels their invocation,messages,meditations and healing therapies.

3 p.m-5p.m

11. The students interact with Mrs.Preetha Katyal and Mrs.Sareen who are clairvoyants and will help them to interact with their spirit guides and guardian angels.while Preetha solves your day to day issues through angelic assistance,Sareen who is gifted with auto writing will answer a few of your questions regarding your future.

Course Fee : Rs. 3,000/-
Certificates will be given after completion of the workshop.

To Register Call Sandeep 9818181991 or sms NEWAGE to 53030

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Come join me at "Know Your Aura"- One Day Workshop by Divya Sharma on The NewAge Foundation

The NewAge Foundation
Your Partner In Spiritual & Personal Growth
Sandeep Gos...
Sandeep Goswamy has invited you to the event '"Know Your Aura"- One Day Workshop by Divya Sharma' on The NewAge Foundation!
Check out ""Know Your Aura"- One Day Workshop by Divya Sharma" on The NewAge Foundation

Sandeep Goswamy

"Know Your Aura"- One Day Workshop by Divya Sharma Time: November 8, 2009 all day
Location: "The Summit Room" Hotel The Connaught,
Organized By: The NewAge Foundation

Event Description:
What Can Your Aura Reveal About You?

Aura readings look at your spiritual energy system as represented in the seven layers of your aura. Along with colors, a reader may see memory pictures, symbolic images, spiritual beings and usually energies belonging to others--like friends and family members. Readings can help you identify and release blocks. Readings also help you get in touch with your own energy, so you can know your own truth and make the highest choices for yourself.

The best readings are not fortune telling: the reader will not tell you, "'re going to meet a tall dark stranger etc..." Aura readings are not predictive. Rather, these readings look at your spiritual energy system: the layers of your aura, your energy channels, chakras, etc.

In an aura reading, the reader looks for what is your energy and what is not your energy. In each layer of your aura, the reader sees different colors and identifies which colors represent your own energy and which colors are unwanted energies. Often just by recognizing that something is not your energy, you can begin to release it.

By looking at your aura, a reader gets a sense of who you really are, where you're coming from, and how you're wanting to grow as spirit. They may see past experiences which have affected you. They may also get insights into next steps you're wanting to take in future. But the best readers respect free will. They will not tell you that, "You will do this..." or "You should do that..."

Workshop Contents

You will know and completely understand the "Aura System" in the human body and how can one work with Aura for healing various aspects of life.

Aura Healing... Releasing Blocks, Creating Flow

Aura healing is also known as spiritual healing, energy healing, or psychic healing. Energy healings are an excellent way to release blocks and unwanted energies, and get your own energy flowing, so you can heal.

Spiritual healing works from the perspective, heal spirit and spirit heals the body. Rather than focusing on body levels, aura healings focus on your spiritual energy system: your aura, energy channels, chakras, etc.

Many physical problems have their root cause on an energy level. In other words, physical problems can be a symptom of energetic, emotional, psychic, or spiritual issues. Rather than focussing on the body symptom, spiritual healing can work with problems at their energetic root cause.

Divyaa will be using a special camera equipment to scan your aura and give you a picture of your aura along with a 10 page report on your AURA.

What is Interactive Aura Photography?

Research in Aura photography paved the way for advances in Interactive Aura photography; these techniques share strong similarities due to their close histories.

Aura photography, using the biofeedback hand sensor, measures your energetic and auric qualities and exposes that on a single Polaroid photograph. However, this only shows your aura for your current feelings and emotions, and does not represent subsequent changes.

Interactive Aura photography, on the other hand, measures and continues to measure this data in real time. This information is then displayed on a computer or television screen, allowing us to see live changes in your emotional/mental/spiritual energetic states as it happens. As the video-feed is being shown, the person and their personal aura colors may come to considerably large changes and can also show the instability of ones aura, especially if the emotional state of that person is not in balance. Generally the aura picture does change with every emotional or mental change of the user; this enables us to see the kinds of effects that therapy and adjustments of personal vibrations can have upon ourselves.

Workshop Fee : Rs. 3,000/- (Inclusive of Tea/Coffee, Refreshments, Lunch & your Aura Photo and report along with course material)

sms NEWAGE to 53030 or Call Sandeep 9818181991 to register.

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Come join me at Reiki - Level 1 (East Delhi) on The NewAge Foundation

The NewAge Foundation
Your Partner In Spiritual & Personal Growth
Sandeep Gos...
Sandeep Goswamy has invited you to the event 'Reiki - Level 1 (East Delhi)' on The NewAge Foundation!
Check out "Reiki - Level 1 (East Delhi)" on The NewAge Foundation

Sandeep Goswamy

Reiki - Level 1 (East Delhi) Time: October 24, 2009 all day
Location: A-4, Vivek Vihar, Phase-1, New Delhi
Organized By: The NewAge Foundation

Event Description:
Workshop on Reiki Level 1 By Guriya Bhullar

"Rei" in Japanese means 'Spirit'. And "ki" means 'Life force energy'. Together they can be read as "Spirit led life force energy". Reiki is not magic, black or otherwise, it is not connected to any religious rites or any religion, it is not a cult or anything to do with 'Faith healing'.

Reiki is a Japanese term that when translated means 'Universal life force', what is termed 'Prana' in Sanskrit, 'Chi' in Chinese and is known as 'Cosmic energy' to many. It is the name adopted for a system of healing that was (re) discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the latter part of the ninetieth century. Reiki involves the transfer of energy from the 'Reiki channel' (or the person giving Reiki) to the receiver, it is a method of holistic healing, and the underlying principle of their effectiveness are similar. However, in Reiki, no pressure is required, and the recipient's vital force is activated by the energy received from the Reiki channel.

Apart from our physical bodies, we have other etherical bodies surrounding us. The aura around us has been documented with the help of advanced photography. Yoga describes the presence of seven spiritual energy centers or the chakras in our bodies. They are on our auric level and correspond to the endocrine glands in our bodies. These are so interrelated that an imbalance in one will affect the other. This means that an infection or diseased energy first affects the auric field before the physical body develops symptoms of the illness. Therefore keeping the aura healthy goes a long way in avoiding illness. Practiced regularly, therefore Reiki works on the mind, the body, on the emotional and even on the spiritual planes. Thus, Reiki is not something that should only be done when one is unwell – it is a measure to optimize ourself on all fronts.

Reiki can be learnt and practiced by anyone, even a child. It is a very simple hands–on technique. To be a Reiki channel or a person who can practice Reiki, a person needs to acquire attunement from a Reiki master. This opens the chakras enabling the person to act as an effective conduit for the transfer of the Universal life force energy. Reiki cannot be learned from a book or by instruction. It is one of the ancient mysteries of the world and the activation of Reiki in your hands occurs only through an 'Attunement' or 'Initiation' which is given by a Reiki master.

The NewAge Foundation
C/o Smita Sharat
A-4, Vivek Vihar
New Delhi

Course Fee :

Rs.1500/- per head (Only 6 Seats)

Fee Includes Course Material, Lunch & Tea

For confirmation SMS NEWAGE to 53030 or
call Call Guriya : 9958275936

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

PSYCH-K(R) An Amazing Breakthrough - Dr Gene Nelson N.D. Ph.D

PSYCH-K® An Amazing Breakthrough

By Dr. Gene Nelson N.D. , Ph.D

Bridging the gap between motivations & manifestation is easy and fun!


If you are still not where you want to be in your life after all the seminars, self-help books, affirmations and conscious living, the thing you may have left out is reaching your subconscious mind that stores all the beliefs programmed during childhood. The fact is that 95% of everything we think, do, say, feel and believe originates in our subconscious mind!


To reach our goals, it is very important that we reach our powerful subconscious

mind and change our limiting subconscious beliefs that limit our success. After years of long search I've finally found a process called, PSYCH-K®, which is easy, quick, and fun in reaching and making a positive impact on the programming of the subconscious mind. It helps you communicate directly with both the conscious and the subconscious minds, so you can change old self-limiting beliefs into new self- enhancing ones that support you! This unique process is a blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient. 


"PSYCH-K® is a user friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind in order to

change the printout of your life,"- Robert M. Williams, M.A., Originator of PSYCH-K®


PSYCH-K® is an easy and effective process that can facilitate and increase the "cross talk" between two brain hemispheres, thereby achieving a more "whole- brained" state, that is ideal for changing the beliefs at the subconscious level, that limit our success and well being in life.


Why be wholebrained?

When right and left hemispheres are in simultaneous communication, the qualities and characteristics of both hemispheres are available to maximize our full response potential to life's challenges. 


"The ideal would be to cultivate and develop the ability to have a good crossover

between both sides of the brain so that a person could first sense what the situation called for and then use the appropriate tool to deal with it." - Steven R. Covey, Author of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People."


Work Smarter, Not Harder!!

People are now realizing that using the old methods of working hard, using will

power, repeating affirmations, doing visualizations etc. for self improvement do not bring them the desired results they are seeking. According to latest scientific

research, using affirmations and will power can actually sabotage your goals. It is

impossible to fight against the subconscious mind, which is a million times faster

than  the  conscious  mind.  PSYCH-K®  can  help  you  turn  your  motivation  into manifestation. Are you ready to take charge of your life now or wait more? It is all up to you.


Dr. Gene R. Nelson, N.D., Ph.D. will conducting an introduction workshop to PSYCH-K® seminar during the "Live Longer & Younger" Workshop sponsored by The New Age Foundation in Delhi, India.  The Workshop will be held at at the "Casuarina" India Habitat Center, Lodhi Road, New Delhi on Saturday, October 10, 2009.  To register sms NEWAGE to 53030 or call Sandeep Goswamy: 981.818.1991 or email:



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